Thursday, January 22, 2009

I should be working. But I'm judgmental and need to process it.

Classes have commenced. The first snow of the year fell. The train still shakes my bed at night. I went to the grocery store and gawked at my $93.47 bill. Really? It was just a bag of spinach, bread, peanut butter, organic apples, organic milk, and some cereal bars that taste like plastic. Ok, maybe it was more than that. But still. Almost $100 and I didn't even have the luxury of looking like those people with the carts piled high that everyone judges. Oh, just admit it. You know you judge them. You look in their cart and you scan their goods spilling out off the sides and the big cans of Coke and toilet paper on the bottom of the cart which is serving as a carnival ride for their skinny little 5 year old. You think, "Ew, Kraft Mayonnaise? Really? Hot Pockets? Your other children must be fat." And then you go on your merry way. But then you look in your cart and it isn't much better. It is just JIF Mayonnaise and Croissant Pockets. Then you feel guilty. But I think it is a healthy guilt. I know I shouldn't think that badly of other people. I don't know them. I can't judge their hearts or their pallets.

Everything is still the same. Even when the train stops running, the grocery prices go down, the snow melts, and the classes let out for summer. Everything is still the same because the person with the full cart needs to be loved. I should be working, but I'm still loved even if I don't do my homework or my finances. I'm glad everything is still the same. I've got a God that loves me even when I judge the girl that wears tights and miniskirts in the snow or when I judge the person at the grocery store. Thankfully, He died for me. Everything is the same in my world. 

Because the only thing that really matters is the only consistent and constant thing ever to exist or come into being. And He loves me. 

I'm also probably the only one that judges people with full grocery carts. I hope you don't take offense to this post if you use Kraft Mayonnaise and Hot Pockets. Because I have definitely had both in my cart before. Oh, what a wretch I am.