Thursday, April 3, 2008

This doesn't have a clever title.

Have you ever watched The Andy Griffith Show or Gilmore Girls and longed for that small town feel? After watching shows like that, I crave companionship. I want to go get a coffee from Luke - bad example. Who wouldn't want to get a cup of coffee from Luke? Okay, restart. I want to go to the barber's shop or the police station and have people know my name. I want to have a cute little town named "Mayberry" or "Stars Hollow" and wave at people that know me. But more than anything, I want to walk in a restaurant and be a "regular". I want "Patsy" the waitress to know that I like flimsy bacon, over-easy eggs, and grits with no butter. (I totally just pulled that out of my rear, by the way. I usually don't eat breakfast unless my sister makes it for me. Speaking of her, she's a great cook! You should take her cooking classes!)


Myself, along with my boyfriend, have achieved this feat. In Greensboro, North Carolina. Sure. It isn't as great as a barber shop, but Steak 'n Shake will do. The Steak 'n Shake on Lawndale Drive is our place of choice. We go there for about 50% of our dates. The rest goes to the bowling alley. However, you have to go at night, when Brandon's shift starts. Brandon is our friend. He works 70 hours a week, has a girlfriend that wants him to quit, and has the brightest smile on this planet. We also love Pam, Bryce, and Michael. Michael makes my Raspberry smoothie and has Jason Castro dreds. Pam tells Justin he shouldn't have that much ranch on his salad because it will make his cholesterol go up. Bryce has bad posture because she is uncomfortable with being almost 6 feet tall. And Brandon. Brandon just talks to us and gives us coupons. And he tells us what his schedule is so we can come back and see him. I love Brandon, Pam, Michael, and Bryce. They are my night shift family. When we come in, Brandon puts us in the same booth. He also puts on a fresh pot of decaf coffee, because he knows Justin works at Starbucks and wants him to not be disappointed in Steak 'n Shake coffee. Brandon also won Best Employee of the Month in May of 2007. I think he should be employee of the year.

So here's to you, Night Shift. May your nights be short, your days be long and restful, and may your milkshakes overflow. In a good way, not a messy way.


Kristin said...

Hannah Joyner,

This is Kristin Saine. I haven't seen you in a while and I hope you are doing well. I was reading Kendra's blog and I stumbled across your blog randomly. How crazy is it that my roommate and I are also regulars at the same Steak and Shake. We love Brandon and Michael and Pam so so so much too. We actually went tonight and I asked Brandon about you guys. He said he loves y'all. So... all that to say "hello" and "I read your blog" and "It's a small world." Hope all is well :)

My First Kitchen said...

Thanks for the pub. And you're making me reconsider my no-Steak-n-Shake policy. The fries are just way too skinny. I'll try again though.