Tuesday, August 26, 2008

the condensation of atmospheric water vapor falling on the earth's surface makes me feel alive.

Life. What a funny thing you are. Every day you are different but always essentially the same. Why do I love you so much? Why do I wish you would go away sometimes? I don't have good answers for these questions. All I know is that I walked in the rain tonight. I felt it fall on my face and clothes. It washed away the day's grime. It is a seemingly meaningless moment in my life that I will cherish for awhile. I will think back on that moment in the rain and smile. Why? Because it is my life. Because it is during all of those inconsequential times that I realize how lucky I am to be alive.

So, thanks God, for the rain. It made me feel a little more alive today.


Unknown said...


it's lovely to read your blog, i know the thoughts are kind of personal, but i relate to it very much...



My First Kitchen said...


Anonymous said...

I just found your blog. It seems so...private, so personal, so free. I wish I could write as freely, but I have so many people reading mine that I couldn't possibly actually act like I feel. Anyways, I just wanted to say I wish you posted more and that I'm so jealous of how free you seem.
-Kayla Elise

Cindy said...

I'm with your sister...you need to write more!