Friday, December 28, 2007

falling streamers and pointless champagne.

I am sad. Normally, I'm really not a sad person. But the past couple of days, I have been sad. I'm ready for the new year to start. But really, when you think about it, nothing is going to change. It's just like birthdays. Your birthday comes and goes and nothing really happens - you just feel older, look older, and feel the pressure to maintain looking 25 or younger. Time just keeps going on. Life keeps marching on. Even when things happen that are sad and earth shattering for some, "the world spins madly on," as The Weepies would put it. The new year will come. I'll wake up on January 1st, and I won't feel any different. I will break the resolutions that I make. I will fail and probably fail miserably at the new exercise program or "eat healthy" promise I will make to myself. But that's okay. Because this is not my home. There won't be any pain or crying or failing where my real home is. People won't hurt, people won't die, and there won't be any sadness. I'm ready for Heaven. This year's resolution won't be about dieting or saving money or believing I can be a better person. It will be about thinking eternally, and living life so I can store treasures in my real home. It will be about pleasing the One who is preparing a place for me to rest. One who wipes my tears, counts the hairs on my head, and whispers to my heart - no matter what time of year - This one is Mine.

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