Wednesday, June 18, 2008

situation manipulation, part 1

I am not assertive. I don't make decisions. Granted, I do place a lot of value in decisions but overall I hate making them. Most of the time I just like to be. I like other people to take charge.

Shall we now cue Emily and Kendra? I think so.

They are marvelous women. Creative, cute, friendly...the list goes on. Both of them have that "it" factor. The factor that makes you watch them and think to yourself, "Wow. I want to be in their club. I want to be their sister or friend or (if you are a man) husband or (if you are a mother-in-law with an appropriately aged son) daughter-in-law." Recently, they performed the situation manipulation. It was very enjoyable. They were assertive for me in a very awkward social situation by prodding, encouraging, and sometimes forcing. But what would I have done without them? I certainly would not have had nearly as much fun. They are very good situation manipulators. Emily can capture the situation manipulation moments on camera. Then she can email them to you without anyone knowing. Kendra can encourage the conversation along and try to get you in prime situations as well as give you pointers and pep talks.

Today, think about your situation manipulators. These are the people that love you so much that they would take time out of their day to make your day happier or make that dream-like moment come true. Thank you, Kendra and Emily. Thank you for being assertive, encouraging, and at times - forceful. I needed that this weekend. :)


Cindy said...

I may not be able to make a dream-like moment come true but I can take time out of my day to say that I do love you! MOM

emily freeman said...

How much do I love you right now?! This was hysterical. And very flattering sounding...I like your version much better than the I'm Already Married So I Have To Live Vicariously Through You Girl from Planet FREAK. Although Kendra was a worthy partner in crime, I must say.

And have I told you lately how crazy cute you are? Yeah. You are crazy cute.

Oh. And my word verification to post this comment = ujjwd (U Jesus Jesus What Do?) At least that's my interpretation of it.

My First Kitchen said...

So funny. I want SM t-shirts.