Tuesday, November 13, 2007

college: time to really live it up?

"Those four years were the best of my life."
"Don't let it slip away, college is where you have fun and meet people."

That may be true for some people. It is not true for me. I enjoy the age I am at right now. I enjoy the fact that I am kind of on my own. I do not enjoy the fact that I live in a dorm room. That I am forced to eat in my bed because there is no other place to sit down. I don't like that at 3:30am I am awoken by the oh-so-drunken cries of the sorority sisters all over the hall screaming, "OH MY GOSH, BROOKE! WHY ARE YOU NAKED?!?!" *GIGGLE, GIGGLE, GIGGLE* Or when I hear rhythmic smacks against my walls above and beside me from premarital sexual intercourse occurring. I don't appreciate the loud rap music that booms against my window at night. Or the dump truck that rolls in at 8am sharp - every morning - to get rid of the stinky trash in the stinky dumpster outside my building's door. I don't like that I am awoken by someone else's alarm every morning. I don't like that I have to wear shoes in the shower. Or freeze in frightened alarm when I hear a male voice booming in front of my curtain, "Hey babe, which shower do I go into?" In that case, I don't like having to hastily put on my robe, pretend that I am not naked and dripping wet, and hurry out of the shower while some 20-something is ogling at the girl in the short, blue robe.

But then, I think about how blessed I am. I can go to college. I am getting an education. I can live on campus. I am not drunken naked girl. Then, I feel a little better about my college experience.

2010, how I await for your arrival, though.

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